I was first drawn to healthcare facility design in my fifth (and final) year studying architecture at IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India. In our fourth year we had just completed a project on the theory behind design thinking, and I was attracted to the complexity of operational and building systems that exist in a modern healthcare facility, leading to complex relationships between the constituent parts (different clinical, inpatient and support departments) that made up the whole.
I used to play chess and bridge fairly well, but once I got involved in this multi-dimensional game of architectural design (especially healthcare design) the attraction of these board and card games paled in comparison. For my Bachelor’s of Architecture thesis I chose to redesign the Hinduja Hospital at Mahim, Mumbai, India and enjoyed myself thoroughly. This enjoyment showed up in the grade, “Ex” for excellent.
That was a long time back and I have a lot of designs for hospitals under my belt since then. In this time I have worked for five organizations solely engaged in the design and construction of healthcare facilities. It’s been a long journey, difficult at times, now I find myself at the age of 60 mentoring other architects projects and pursuing a growing interest in green or sustainable healthcare projects.
I have always been comfortable working with a bed in the room since my college days, but never found much opportunity to do so after that. Now in the twilight of my life I have come full circle, as I am working out of my residence I can lie down now and then and let my mind wander. I get my best design “eureka” moments this way.
My best and favourite healthcare facility design has been one I did a long time back, Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai, India and it was made possible by having an exceptionally visionary client, the cardiac surgeon Dr Ramakant Panda. Below is a write-up released by AHI’s public relations department.
“Mumbai’s renowned Asian Heart Institute (AHI) has been ranked by an international organisation the “safest cardiac hospital in the world” with the lowest mortality rate, a hospital official said Friday. AHI’s vice chairman and managing director Ramakant Panda said the hospital was accorded the honour among 15 hospitals in eight countries that participated in the International Cardiac Benchmarking survey conducted by the Joint Commission International (JCI). “This included data analysis of more than 6000 cardiac surgeries between October 2009-March 2011,” Panda told IANS here.The 15 JCI accredited hospitals had to provide data captured on a daily basis on the surgeries conducted and reported, set parameters to measure the quality of care provided and cooperate with verification visits by principals, said Panda, who performed heart surgery on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh nearly three years ago.“After the detailed three-year study, AHI has ranked No.1 in terms of ‘lowest complication rates’ and ‘highest survival rates’ as per the JCI survey,” he said.”
I look forward to helping you design your dream healthcare facility in any way I can.
Design as Optimization, Not Compromise
We can make no better high-leverage investments for the future than improving the quality of designers’ “mindware” – assets that unlike physical ones, don’t depreciate but, rather, ripen with age and experience. Many architects, engineers and other designers, however, are not being well taught. J. Baldwin, long the technology editor of Whole Earth Review, was told on his first day in design school that “design is the art of compromise.” Design, he was instructed, means choosing the least unsatisfactory trade-offs between many desirable but incompatible goals. He believed that this formulation described “a political process masquerading as a design process,” and he realized it was wrong.
His inspiration came as he gazed out of the classroom window and saw a pelican catching a fish. For the past 3.8 billion years or so, nature has been running a successful design laboratory in which everything is continually improved and rigorously retested. The result, life, is what works. Whatever doesn’t work gets recalled by the Manufacturer. Every naturalist knows from observation that nature does not compromise; nature optimizes. A pelican, nearing perfection (for now) after some 90 million years of development, is not a compromise between a seagull and a crow. It is the best possible pelican.
A pelican, however, is not optimized within a vacuum. It exists in an ecosystem, and each part of that ecosystem, in turn, is optimized in evolution with the pelican. A change in the pelican or in any aspect of its ecosystem could have widespread ramifications throughout the system, because all its elements are coevolving to work optimally together. For the same reason, an engineer can’t design an optimal fan except as an integral part of its surrounding cooling system, nor an optimal cooling system without integration into its site, neighbourhood, climate, and culture. The greater the degree to which the components of a system are optimized together, the more trade-offs and compromises that seem inevitable at the individual component level becomes unnecessary. These processes create synergies and felicities for the entire system.
The Band – (I Don’t Want To) Hang Up My Rock And Roll Shoes
India’s Health Care Industry
Design and the Bhagwad Gita, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Baruch Spinoza
Architectural Design and Ethics: Tools for Survival
By Thomas Fisher: Extracts
The Bhagwad Gita
Take one of the oldest religious texts in existence, the Bhagwad Gita. It begins with the warrior, Arjuna, in a crisis, standing in his chariot and about to go into a battle that would pit allies and friends against each other, a situation not unlike what could happen in a future of diminishing resources and growing population, in which not only enemies might go to war with each other, but also families and neighbours. The god Krishna’s response to Arjuna’s despair with the seemingly paradoxical idea that Arjuna should do his duty and go into war without worry about dying or causing others to die, since the body and the material world in general are ephemeral and that nothing can kill the eternal soul in us.
To modern ears, such advice seems quite odd, since we have largely become accustomed to see the material world as permanent, seeing death as something to fear, and viewing the killing of others as an evil. How could a god, in this case Krishna, advise doing just the opposite? Krishna offers Arjuna, however, a profound ethical insight of great use to all of us as we face difficulties as metaphorical charioteers on life’s battlefields. We often think, as Arjuna did, that material reality really matters, that we can’t live without it and that its loss would leave us bereft, but in fact very little of it matters and we can live without all but the essentials needed to sustain life. Moreover, we can find happiness without it if, as Krishna urges Arjuna, we focus on doing our duty and serving others. As we enter a period in which many people will be needing help, valuing the duty of helping others will become key to our making it through our collective hardships.
The argument in the Gita also may seem odd to designers who make things in the physical environment all the time. Reading Krishna’s words to Arjuna might tempt a designer a designer to do what Samuel Johnson did when hearing of David Hume’s scepticism about cause and effect and reality in general: Johnson went over and kicked a rock to demonstrate that things do exist and that kicking a rock has the effect of causing pain. But Krishna isn’t saying that the material world doesn’t exist, only that it is ephemeral, constantly changing, and ultimately beyond our control, and that the only thing that lasts is the soul which exists in all living things. Every designer knows that what we do in the material world will not last, that things deteriorate, break, or fall apart. And while we rarely talk about it this way, designers also know that the best work has a spirit or soul that we find compelling and that causes us to care.
What the Gita suggests for the design community is that what matters is the spirit in what we do: how much the work helps people feel whole and how much it speaks to the spirit in every living thing affected by it. How does our work enhance the humanity not only of those who commission, use, or inhabit it, but also the humanity of those who fabricate, assemble, or build it, and those who will have the responsibility to care for, dispose, or reuse it after we have gone? And how does our work enhance the quality of life of other species – the habitat of plants and animals in the locations where what we use is harvested, where what we create is fabricated, or where what we design gets built?
Gautama Buddha
The Buddha offers another take on this ethical idea, putting less emphasis on serving others and more on being happy and avoiding suffering. Coming from a wealthy family, Buddha knew how much time and attention people paid to earning money and acquiring goods as the way to happiness, but he also saw how much unhappiness – ranging from envy and jealousy to fear and anger – resulted from this very process of gaining possessions. After a period in which he tried to rid himself of all possessions to the point of almost starving himself, he realized that the problem lay not with things, but in our thinking about them. The suffering he saw around him came from our attachment to things, and in our inability to find peace of mind, the lack of which leads us to seek it in the material world. Controlling the mind, eliminating desire, needing nothing, resenting nothing, relinquishing all attachments, focusing on the present moment, having compassion for others, being generous and kind to others – such is some of the wise counsel that the Buddha offers as the way to happiness.
Underlying this is the ethical idea of “the middle way’, the notion that we should seek a path of moderation between the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification. That idea also occurs in the ethics of Aristotle and it represents a position quite contrary to the extremism of the modern world, in which extraordinary levels of wealth and poverty, over-consumption and deprivation, exist simultaneously. Nor is it the way in which most of the design world has gone over the last century. Most designers depend upon wealthy individuals, organizations, and governments for many of their commissions, resulting in designers directly serving a very small fraction of the total population. At the same time, the design community has tended to recognize and award work that stakes out an extreme position of one kind or another. Moderation in a project rarely gets covered by the media, rarely draws people’s attention, or rarely attracts the kind of clients that designers sometimes assume is necessary to do good work.
On top of that, the Buddha’s urging that we not be attached to things or not desire possessions also seems to be contrary to what designers do, which is to make things that other people need and want. Is Buddhism antithetical to design? The answer depends upon whether we are talking about current forms of design practice or about design generally. As E. F. Schumacher observed about economics in his development of “Buddhist economics’, design practice has come to reflect the world in which we work, a world in which, as the buddha observed, many people continue to look at material possessions as the way to happiness, rather than their own state of mind. But there has always been design, and we need to discover a design equivalent to Schumacher’s economics, a “Buddhist design’ that isn’t about the design of Buddhist temples or decorative art, but is instead about imagining a form of design that leads to happiness through an embrace of humility, moderation, openness, and acceptance of limits.
Schumacher urged his fellow economists to re-establish their field on some basis other than greed and envy, which he saw as the unhealthy and unhappy motivators for so much economic activity. Designers need to do the same. While greed may want people to want a larger house, a bigger office, or a flashier car, and while envy may lead people to commission work that exceeds in some way that of a competitor, such frames of mind arise out of unhappiness and, as the Buddha mentioned, can only result in unhappiness, which is hardly in the best interest of anyone, be it the designer or those who commission or use what we do. If the purpose of design is to relieve suffering, to improve the world and people’s lot in it in some way, then continuing the cycle of suffering, as the Buddha describes it, renders what we do rather pointless, and possibly leads to the ironic result of design being less valued even as the design for it increases. Like addicts, our culture has become hooked on the quantity of things, wanting more and more of what, in psychological terms, means less and less. ‘Buddhist design’ would refocus people away from quantities of things to the quality of each thing, showing us how we actually need much less than we think we do, so that we can enjoy each thing more.
In a sense, Buddhist design may be more like the natural world we see all around us. It might be made, like a forest, almost entirely of biodegradable materials that serve their purpose and then disappear without a trace. It might consist of materials like rock, that can be endlessly reused by whoever needs it at the time. It might generate wastes, like a plant or animal, that serves as food for others or fertilizer that enhances the richness of the whole. And it might use the least amount of material possible, like a bird, to achieve the greatest efficiency and beauty. The Buddha achieved enlightenment while meditating under a Bodhi tree and we, in the design community, might find similar insight contemplating nature in this way, seeing how we might help others, and ourselves, actually achieve the happiness that people turn to our work for. This will become especially important in the future, when the only real abundance most of us will have will lie inside ourselves.
Jesus Christ
A third ethic to arise out of religion that can serve us as a useful tool is that of Jesus. It has become difficult to talk about Jesus’ ethics because of the current wave of fundamentalism and fanaticism that has emerged from all three of the major Western religions – Judaism, Islam and Christianity. At a time when the writer and former nun, Karen Armstrong has argued, some people see religious texts as scientific facts, as having to be literally true in order to be believed, even talking about Jesus as an ethicist will offend some. But so be it. As Thomas Jefferson did with his bible, cutting out the metaphysics to get to the ethics of what Jesus said in the New Testament, lets look at what the ethical core of what Jesus said has to offer us as we look ahead to a world that may increasingly look like the world that Jesus knew some 2000 years back.
What is most striking about Jesus’ ethical pronouncements is how much they address the needs of the poor. Just as Krishna would urge us to serve others and the Buddha to relinquish attachments, Jesus would have us give up our wealth and share it with the most impoverished people. This radical realignment of wealth, of people voluntarily giving up most of what they own so that everyone could have enough, does seem to get lost in the conflation of Christianity with capitalism that has become common, at least among many conservatives in countries like the USA. It is hard not to read Jesus’ pronouncement that the ‘meek shall inherit the earth’, and wonder about all the competition, aggression, and bloodshed that has characterized the behaviour of some Christians towards other religions or other denominations in their own religion. As Karen Armstrong observed in an interview, ‘religion…is about losing your ego…We need to rediscover what is in our religions, which have gotten overlaid with generations of egotistical and lazy theology. The current thinking – my God is better than your God – is highly irreligious’.
Many designers might be very sympathetic to Jesus’ compassion for the poor and maybe even his urging that we give to the poor everything we don’t actually need in order to live, but design remains a field for the relatively well off and out of reach for most people who do not have the money to pay our fees. What the ethics of Jesus forces us to confront is the question of how design practice can serve the poor, the very people who need, even more than the wealthy, what designers have to offer: that capacity to do more with less, to satisfy the greatest number of needs with the least amount of effort or resources. One way to achieve this would be to see design as a form of public health, which is similar to the way in which Jesus saw his role as ministering to the people that the government and established religion of the day had forgotten.
A public health version of design would entail dealing with the problems that the greatest number of people, especially the greatest number of poor people face in their daily lives. Cameron Sinclair, whose organization, Architecture for Humanity, has come perhaps the closest to achieving such a goal, once said that the one thing people around the world seem to need most is a way of fastening different materials together. Poor people can often get access to cast-off or low-cost building supplies, but connecting materials together in ways that keep out the elements or withstand the wind or possible earthquakes poses a real and largely unaddressed problem. The same is true for peoples need for basic services – water and electric supply, sanitary and storm sewage, security and safety elements. The poorest people lack such essentials, access to which should be a fundamental human right. That billions of people lack one or more of these basic services – access to clean water, to sanitation, to electricity, to security – is something that the design community should take on as both our responsibility and an opportunity. Public health designers, able to address the simplest and most generic challenges in extremely low-cost and low-skill ways, would have billions of people around the globe as users, with governments and non-profit agencies of all types as clients. If designers do not literally give, as Jesus suggests their second coat to the poor, we can at least give the poor our best thinking and most creative ideas.
As Jesus knew well, giving of our time and talent to those most in need will have a transformative effect on us as well as them. That transformation might lead at least some designers to take on, not just the objects and environments people need, but also the processes by which materials get made, products get produced, and supplies get shipped – all with the goal of maximizing local economies, developing local skills and minimizing environmental impacts. We could help end poverty simply by requiring that everything we use be made locally and sustainably. At the same time, the transformation might prompt us to design into our work the process by which it will be deconstructed, recycled, or repurposed, all of which can empower ordinary people and leverage their inherent creativity. The design community must find a way to serve the poor in more than just token ways. It is not just our professional and ethical responsibility to do so, but it is the great-untapped opportunity of our disciplines. For what Jesus said was prophetic: the long-term stewards of the planet, those who will inherit the earth, are the very people who are most ignored and least serves by us today. And if the rest of us continue in our excessive levels of consumption, we will all be like them soon enough.
Baruch Spinoza
A fourth ethics, not specifically religious, but with a strong metaphysical character, is that of the seventeenth century Jewish philosopher, Spinoza. He argued in his Ethics that everything – evry being, every particle, the cosmos itself – is one substance, which he called God/Nature, with physical and mental attributes, and existing in an almost infinite number of modes. Spinoza’s ethics sounds odd at first, and so abstract that only a philosopher might appreciate it, but the more you think about his ideas, the more they open up connections for us. For example, the notion of reality as a single substance brings to mind the work of modern-day physicists who see matter and energy as different modes of the same thing, existing at different speeds. Spinoza’s ethics also anticipated those who search for the so-called theory of everything, in the belief that all reality must follow the same physical laws. In calling this single substance God/Nature, Spinoza elides past the divide that exists in our own time between religion and science by claiming that God and Nature are really the same thing and that God is not some transcendent intelligent designer outside the natural world but is immanent in and inseparable from nature. No wonder Spinoza got in trouble with Jewish authorities in his own day, for his theistic views were much closer to the pantheism of the ancient Greeks than to anything in the Old Testament.
The ethical implications of Spinoza’s one substance also conflict with the dichotomous world view so prevalent today and around which we have designed our built environment. Spinoza argued that unethical behaviour begins with the assumption that individuals or groups are separate from each other and that there is some advantage to be had over others. By denying the validity of that very assumption, Spinoza’s ethics make it impossible or at least completely self-destructive to cause harm to others, for in doing so we only harm ourselves, since they are us, all part of a single, inseparable substance. Complexity theory has made a similar argument about the physical world – that everything, at least on earth, is interconnected so that the proverbial butterfly flapping its wings can contribute to causing a hurricane halfway around the world. Spinoza’s ethics applies a related concept to human actions: everything that we do comes back to affect us. We may not see it or know how or when it happens. It may not happen immediately or in the same way we acted towards others, but our being of one substance makes it impossible for us not to be negatively affected by our negative actions – or positively affected by our positive ones.
Spinoza’s one-substance idea also applies to the natural world, so that the damage we cause to nature, we cause to ourselves as well as to God, which he saw as identical with nature. If we accept Spinoza’s premise, the only conclusion we can draw from it is that we need to act in ways that help, improve, or enhance others – other people, other species, future generations – for there is no other way to help ourselves. That conception of service, of finding our happiness by fostering happiness in others, lies at the heart of all helping professions and offers a very different way of thinking about economics. Instead of an economy based on self-interest – which in Spinoza’s terms might mean self-harm – we might imagine an economy based on other-interest, on giving as much as possible to as many others as we can. This notion of a ‘gift’ economy, in which value and incentives depend on how much we give rather than how much we get, may work best at relatively small scales, among families, tribes, or communities, but that may be the scale many of us live in the future, once we run out of the inexpensive fossil fuels that have so expanded the scale of modern life. The gift economy also seems well suited to the internet age, in which people give advice with no quid pro quo, and where millions of people have access to and benefit from what others have to offer. Indeed, we might see the world wide web as a Spinozan infrastructure, one of many ways in which we come to see ourselves and act as a single interconnected mutually reinforcing entity.
Consider the Cherry Tree
Consider the cherry tree: thousands of blossoms create fruit for birds, humans, and other animals, in order that one pit might eventually fall onto the ground, take root and grow. Who would look at the ground littered with cherry blossoms and complain, “How inefficient and wasteful!” The tree makes copious blossoms and fruit without depleting its environment. Once they fall on the ground, their materials decompose and break down into nutrients that nourish microorganisms, insects, plants, animals and soil. Although the tree makes more of its “product” than it needs for its own success in an ecosystem, this abundance has evolved (through millions of years of success and failure or, in business terms, R&D), to serve rich and varied purposes. In fact, the trees fecundity nourishes just about everything around it.
What might the human-built world look like if a cherry tree had produced it?
We know what an eco-efficient building looks like. It is a big energy saver. It minimizes air infiltration by sealing places that might leak. (The windows do not open.) It lowers solar income with dark-tinted glass, diminishing the cooling load on the buildings air-conditioning system and thereby cutting the amount of fossil-fuel energy used. The power plant in turn releases a smaller amount of pollutants into the environment, and whoever foots the electricity bill spends less money. The local utility honours the building as the most energy-saving in its area and holds it up as a model for environmentally conscious design. If all buildings were designed and built in this way, it proclaims, businesses could do right by the environment and save money at the same time.
Here’s how we imagine the cherry tree would do it: during the daytime, light pours in. Views of the outdoors through large un-tinted windows are plentiful – each of the occupants has five views from wherever he or she happens to sit. Delicious, affordable food and beverages are available to employees in a café that opens onto a sun-filled courtyard. In the office space, each of them controls the flow of fresh air and the temperature of their personal breathing zones. The windows open. The cooling system maximizes natural airflows, as in a hacienda: at night the system flushes the building with cool evening air, bringing the temperature down and clearing the rooms of stale air and toxins. A layer of native grass covers the building’s roof, making it more attractive to songbirds and absorbing water runoff, while at the same time protecting the roof from thermal shock and ultraviolet degradation.
In fact, this building is just as energy-efficient as the first, but that is the side effect of a broader and more complex design goal: to create a building that celebrates a range of cultural and natural pleasures – sun, light, air, nature, even food – in order to enhance the lives of the people who work there. During construction, certain elements of the second building did cost a little more. For example, windows that open are more expensive that do not. But the night-time cooling strategy cuts down on the need for air-conditioning during the day. Abundant daylight diminishes the need for fluorescent light. Fresh air makes the indoor spaces more pleasurable, a perk for current employees and a lure to potential ones – and thus an effect with economic as well as aesthetic consequences. (Securing and supporting a talented and productive workforce is one of a CFO’s primary goal, because the carrying cost of people – recruiting, employing and retaining them – is a hundred times as great as the carrying cost of an average building.) In its every element, the building expresses the client’s and architects’ vision of a life-centred community and environment. We know, because Bill’s (William McDonough, an architect and co-author of this excerpt from the book: Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things”) firm led the team that designed it.
We brought the same sensibility to designing a factory for Herman Miller, the office-furniture manufacturer. We wanted to give workers the feeling that they’d spent the day outdoors, unlike workers in the conventional factory of the Industrial Revolution, who might not see daylight until the weekend. The office and manufacturing space that we designed for Herman Miller were built for only 10 percent more money than it would have cost to erect a standard prefabricated metal factory building. We designed the factory around a tree-lined interior conceived as a brightly daylit “street” that ran the entire length of the building. There are rooftop skylights everywhere the workers are stationed, and the manufacturing space offers views of both the internal street and the outdoors, so that even as they work indoors, employees get to participate in the cycles of the day and the seasons. (Even the truck docks have windows.) The factory was designed to celebrate the local landscape and to invite indigenous species back to the site instead of scaring them away. Storm water and waste water are channelled through a series of connected wetlands that clean them, in the process lightening the load on the local river, which already suffers serious flooding because of the runoff from roofs, parking lots, and other impervious surfaces.
An analysis of the factory’s dramatic productivity gains has shown that one factor was “biophilia” – people’s love of the outdoors. Retention rates have been impressive. A number of workers who left for higher wages at a competitor’s factory returned in a few weeks. When asked why, they told the management they couldn’t work “in the dark”. They were young people who had entered the workforce only recently and had never worked in a “normal” factory before.
These buildings represent only the beginning of eco-effective design; they do not yet exemplify, in every way, the principle we espouse. But you might start to envision the difference between eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness as the difference between an airless, fluorescent-lit grey cubicle and a sunlit area full of fresh air, natural views, and pleasant places to work, eat, and converse.
Peter Drucker has pointed out that it is a manager’s job to “do things right.” It is an executive’s job to make sure “the right things” get done. Even the most rigorous eco-efficient business paradigm does not challenge basic practices and methods: a shoe, building, factory, car, or shampoo can remain fundamentally ill-designed even as materials and processes involved in its manufacture become more “efficient.” Our concept of eco-effectiveness means working on the right things – on the right products and services and systems – instead of making the wrong things less bad. Once you are doing the right things, then doing them “right,” with the help of efficiency among other tools, makes perfect sense.
If nature adhered to the human model of efficiency, there are would be fewer cherry blossoms, and fewer nutrients. Fewer trees, less oxygen, and less clean water. Fewer songbirds. Less diversity, less creativity and delight. The idea of nature being more efficient, dematerializing, or even not “littering” (imagine zero waste or zero emissions for nature!) is preposterous. The marvellous thing about effective systems is that one wants more of them, not less.
Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Negligence is described as doing the same thing over and over even though you know it is dangerous, stupid or wrong. Now that we know, it’s time for a change. Negligence starts tomorrow.
Michael Braungart and William McDonough, Cradle to Cradle-Remaking the Way We Make Things
What We Owe the Future:A Million Year View
William MacAskill
William MacAskill is an associate professor in philosophy and senior research fellow at the Global Priorities Institute, University of Oxford. At the time of his appointment, he was the youngest associate professor of philosophy in the world. He has focused his research on moral uncertainty, effective altruism, and future generations. A TED speaker and past Forbes 30 Under 30 social entrepreneur, he has also cofounded the non-profits Giving What We Can, the Centre for Effective Altruism, and Y Combinator-backed 89,000 hours, which together have moved over UK Pounds 200 million to effective charities. He is the author of Doing Good Better and lives in Oxford.
Climate Change
So far, I have looked at catastrophe as a result of war or accidental release of engineered pathogens. But what about climate change – could it cause global civilization to collapse?
One cause for optimism is that we are making real progress on climate change: recent years have given more cause for hope than any other point in my lifetime. The International Energy Agency predicts that global coal use peaked in 2014 and is now in structural decline. The main reason for the decline in coal use to date is competition from cheap natural gas, but a more fundamental future shift is now under way. This is in significant part due to environmental activism, which has changed the climate prognosis in two ways.
First, thanks in part to youth activism, attention towards climate change has increased significantly, and several key players have made ambitious climate pledges, most notably China, which plans to reach zero emissions by 2060, and the European Union, which is aiming for 2050; and efforts are increasing at the state level in the United States.
Second, there has also been huge progress on key low-carbon energy technologies: solar, wind, and batteries.
Thanks to long-standing policy support from environmentally motivated governments, the cost of solar panels has fallen by a factor of 250 since 1976, while the cost of lithium-ion batteries has fallen by a factor of 41 since 1991. Even though solar and wind supply only around 3 percent of energy today, if the exponential cost declines continue, in twenty years they will supply a substantial fraction of global energy. Similarly, in the next few years, the total cost of ownership for electric cars – including purchase, fuel, and maintenance costs – is projected to drop below that of petrol and diesel cars.
However, we shouldn’t get complacent. There is a substantial chance that our decarbonisation efforts will get stuck. First, limited progress on decarbonisation is exacerbated by a breakdown in international coordination, which could happen because of rising military tensions between the major economies of the world. Decarbonisation is truly a global problem: even if most regions stop emitting, emissions could continue for a long time if one region decides not to cooperate. Second, the risk of prolonged technological stagnation, which I discuss in the next chapter, would increase the risk that we do not develop the technology to fully decarbonise. These are not outlandish risks; I would put both risks at about one in three.
For the purposes of ascertaining civilisation collapse, let’s ask about the low-probability but worst-case climate scenario, in which we ultimately burn through all recoverable fossil fuels. (In higher-end estimates, these amount to three trillion tonnes of carbon, so if our emissions remain at current rates, this would take about three hundred years.) If we did so, there would likely be around 7 degrees of warming relative to the preindustrial period, and a one in six chance of 9.5 degrees of warming.
The effect of such extreme climate change is difficult to predict. We just do not know what the world would be like if it were more than 7 degrees warmer; most research has focused on the impact of less than five degrees. Warming of seven to ten degrees would do enormous harm to countries in the tropics, with many poor agrarian countries being hit by severe heat stress and drought. Since these countries have contributed the least to climate change, this would be a colossal injustice.
But it’s hard to see how even this could lead to civilisational collapse. For example, one pressing concern about climate change is the effect it might have on agriculture. Although climate change would be bad for agriculture in the tropics, there is scope for adaptation, temperate regions would not be as badly damaged, and frozen land would be freed up at higher latitudes. There is a similar picture for heat stress. Outdoor labour would become increasingly difficult in the tropics because of heat stress, which would be disastrous for hotter and poorer countries with limited adaptive capacity. But richer countries would be able to adapt, and temperate regions would emerge relatively unscathed.
What about feedback loops, where some amount of warming leads to further warming? Two possibilities that have been raised are “moist greenhouse” and “runaway greenhouse” effects. In both scenarios, temperatures become so hot that the oceans are lost to space, as has occurred on Venus. But the existing models suggest that it is not possible to rigger a runaway greenhouse on Earth by burning fossil fuels. It also seems unlikely that we could trigger a moist greenhouse, but if carbon dioxide did cause a transition to a moist greenhouse state, carbon dioxide concentrations would naturally decline over hundreds of thousands of years, well before the earth’s water would be lost to space.
There are other possible feedback effects that look more concerning. In what is probably the most alarming climate science paper in recent years. One model found that once carbon dioxide concentrations reach about 1,300 parts per million, stratocumulus clouds will burn off and there will be eight degrees of warming over the course of years, on top of the six to seven degrees we will have already lived through. If we burn three trillion tonnes of carbon, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations would reach around 1,600 parts per million, so this threshold is within reach.
This research is controversial, and scientists are divided on how plausible it is. Unfortunately, it is just difficult to know how great the risk of this kind of feedback is because carbon dioxide concentrations have not been greater than 1,300 parts per million for at least tens of millions of years. But even a low probability that there could be feedback effects of this sort should greatly concern us. It is hard to know what the impact of eight degrees of warming over a few years would be, and this question has not been researched by the scientific community. Climate instability is generally bad for agriculture, although my best guess is that global agriculture would still be possible, even during this extreme transition; even with fifteen degrees of warming, the heat would not pass lethal limits for crops in most regions. But it is hard to know exactly what would happen because such a change would be so extreme and so unprecedented. Possible nonlinear tipping points like this are, in my view, the greatest threat that climate change poses to our long-term future.
Even if climate change does not drastically increase the risk of civilisation collapse, it might well make it harder to recover from collapse caused by some other event, like a nuclear or biological war. For the reasons mentioned above, it seems that agriculture will still be possible even if there were high levels of warming. But it would mean that industrial civilisation would have to re-emerge in a warmer world than we faced historically, which should increase our uncertainty about our prospects for recovery.
Importantly, climate change lasts for a very long time: temperatures would be similar after ten thousand years and would only return to normal after hundreds of thousands of years. The sheer length of time before temperatures would return to current levels is long enough that, if climate change does delay recovery, almost all machines, tools, and buildings will have degraded: almost all books in libraries will have decayed; and knowledge passed down from one generation to another may have progressively gotten corrupted.
What To Do
When confronted with the empirical and evaluative complexity that faces us, it can be easy to feel clueless, as if there’s nothing at all we can do. But that would be too pessimistic. Even if we’re walking backwards into the future – and even if the terrain we’re walking on is unexplored, it’s dark and foggy, and we have few clues to guide us – nonetheless, some plans are smarter than others. We can employ three rules of thumb.
First, take actions that we can be comparatively confident are good. If we are exploring uncharted territory, we know that tinder and matches, a sharp knife, and first aid supplies will serve us well in a wide range of environments. Even if we have little idea what our expedition will involve, these things will be helpful.
Second, try to increase the number of options open to us. On an expedition, we would want to avoid getting stuck in a ravine we can’t get out of, and if we weren’t certain about the location of our destination, we would want to choose routes that leave open a larger number of possible paths. Third, try to learn more. Our expedition group could climb a hill in order to get a better view of the terrain or scout out different routes ahead.
These three lessons – take robustly good actions, build up options, and learn more – can help guide us in our attempts to positively influence the long term. First, some actions make the long-term future go better across a wide range of possible scenarios. For example, promoting innovation in clean technology helps keep fossil fuels in the ground, giving us a better chance of recovery after civilisation collapses; it lessens the impact of climate change; it furthers technological progress, reducing the risk of stagnation; and it has major near-term benefits too, reducing the enormous death toll from fossil fuel-based air pollution.
Second, some paths give us many more options than others. This is true on an individual level, where some career paths encourage much more flexible skills and credentials than others. Though I’ve been very lucky in my career, in general, a PhD in economics or statistics leaves open many more opportunities than a philosophy PhD. As I suggested in Chapter 4, keeping options open is important on a societal level too. Maintaining a diversity of cultures and political systems leaves open more potential trajectories for civilization; the same is true, to an even greater degree, for ensuring that civilization doesn’t end altogether.
Third, we can learn more. As individuals, we can develop a better understanding of the different causes I’ve discussed in this book and build up knowledge about relevant aspects of the world. Currently there are few attempts to make predictions about political, technological, economic, and social matters more than a decade in advance, and almost no attempts to look more than a hundred years ahead. As a civilization, we can invest resources into doing better – building mirrors that enable us to see, however dimly, into the future that lies behind us.
Career Choice
So far, I have looked at ways you can use your time and money to improve the long term. But by far the most important decision you will make, in terms of your lifetime impact, is your choice of career. Especially among young people, it has become increasingly common to strive for positive impact as a core part of one’s professional life rather than as a sideshow. More and more people don’t just want money to pay their bills; they also want a sense of purpose and meaning.
This is why, as a graduate student, I co-founded 80,000 Hours because that is roughly how many hours you have in your career: forty hours per week, fifty weeks per year, for forty years. Yet the amount of time people normally spend thinking about their career is tiny in comparison. When that’s combined with how poor existing career advice is, we end up with the outcome that a large proportion of people land in careers that are neither as fulfilling nor as impactful as they could be.
How, then, should you decide on a career? Again, we can return to our expedition metaphor. The three key lessons we identified were to learn more, build options, and take robustly good actions. These mirror the considerations that longtermists face when choosing a career:
1.Learn: Find low-cost ways to learn about and try out promising longer-term paths, until you feel ready to bet on one for a few years.
2.Build options: Take a bet on a longer-term path that could go really well (seeking upsides), usually by building the career capital that will most accelerate you in it. Butin case it doesn’t work out, have a backup plan to cap your downsides.
3.Do good: Use the career capital you’ve built to support the most effective solutions to the most pressing problems.
In reality, you’ll be pursuing all of these priorities throughout your career, but each one will get different emphasis at different stages. Learning will tend to be most valuable early in your career. Building your options by investing in yourself and accruing career capital is most valuable in the early to middle stages of your career. Making a bet on how to do good is most valuable in the mid to late stages of your career. But your emphasis might move back and forth over time. For instance, a forty-year-old who decides to make a dramatic career change might go back into learning mode for a few years. And you might be lucky enough to find yourself with opportunities to have an enormous positive impact right out of college; if so, this framework shouldn’t discourage you from doing that.
Clearing The Air: The Beginning and the End of Air Pollution
By Tim Smedley – 2019
Air pollution has overtaken poor sanitation and dirty water to become the number one environmental cause of premature death in the world. The latest estimate from the WHO is that approximately 4.2 million people die from outdoor air pollution annually, far greater than the number from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and car crashes combined. According to WHO figures in 2018, nine out of ten people around the globe now breathe air containing high level of pollutants. UNICEF believes that two billion children live in areas where air pollution levels exceed the WHO air quality standards, while nearly 600,000 children under the age of five die annually from diseases caused or exacerbated by air pollution.
CFC’s are just the most well-known of the Frankenstein pollutants (sorry, the names stuck now). According to the Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health (2018), more than 140,000 new chemicals and pesticides have been synthesised since 1950. Of these, the 5,000 that are produced in greatest volume ‘have become widely dispersed in the environment and are responsible for nearly universal human exposure’ while fewer than half ‘have undergone any testing for safety or toxicity’…The UK Chief Medical Officer’s Report agrees that, ‘we only monitor a handful of the thousands of chemical, physical and biological pollutants that an individual will be exposed to over their life time.
Despite the ill effects of all the gases covered in the previous chapter, there is one category of air pollutant that stands head and shoulders above them all. And it’s not a gas. It’s a solid: particulate matter (PM). These are the tiny particles that float in the air, from road dust to soot, and cause the most damage to our health,…scientists define PM not by what they are made of (such as coal smoke, agricultural dust, engine fumes) but by size. The largest category, PM10, is any particle measuring 10 micrometres in diameter or below (roughly a tenth of the width of a human hair). Smaller PM2.5s are less than micrometres in diameter (a fortieth of the width of a human hair) And their little cousins the nanoparticles are below 0.1 micrometres (by which point the human hair comparison becomes a bit pointless). And broadly speaking, the smaller they are, the more effectively they destroy our health.
David Newby, professor of cardiology at the British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence, began studying air pollution in the early 2000s. I spoke to him a lot for this book, and he is now one of the most prominent names in the field of the health effects of particulate pollution. But he admits that when he first started looking into this some 20 years ago, he presumed that the big chunky particles from black smoke were the worst offenders. ‘But actually, those sort of particles are big and coarse, and get lodged in the upper airways. The particles we are talking about now diffuse right down into the lungs…Cars generally produce PM2.5 and the majority [of these] are nanoparticles less than PM0.1 – that’s incredibly tiny. In these combustion particles you get metals, organic matter coated in petrol and diesel. It looks much like the tar coming out of smoker’s lungs – you see the same images as a result of [PM] pollution.
The drivers sitting in diesel vehicles are exposed to the worst does of all….’if you take a particle monitor inside a car, the levels are three times higher than outside. Often there are no cabin filters in the air circulation. The air inlets at the front of the car are usually taking in the exhausts of the car in front of you.’ The closer you are to the road, he says, ‘the more pollution you breathe’ and the car driver is obviously the closest of all….’it’s a well-known fact that if you’re driving through [a major road] you will get a higher dose than a cyclist or a pedestrian most of the time. Because you’re sitting in a bubble, you’re not getting the benefit of the air moving around you and diluting whatever pollution is around, you are essentially breathing air which is the exhaust of the car in front….So the guys who are producing the pollution are actually getting the highest dose…most people believe when they go inside their car and shut the door that the pollution is outside and they’re safe, but nothing could be further from the truth.’
‘Every parent who comes to me now is talking about [air pollution], Dr Ankit Parakh tells me in his consulting room. A pulmonologist in paediatric medicine at BLK Super Specialty Hospital, he is on the front line of Delhi’s smog epidemic. The BLK is one of several huge, privately owned hospitals that sprang up since the Indian economy liberalised in 1991 and, like so much in Delhi, the divide between the haves and have-nots is stark. Beggars, traders and rickshaws crowd around the hospital entrance and spill out into the road. Inside, the paediatric wing is full of kids with shiny Nike trainers and concerned parents tapping impatiently on smartphones. Most patients are here for breathing and respiratory disorders. Approximately one in three adults in Delhi and two in three children, have respiratory symptoms due to poor air quality.
The Columbia Centre for Children’s Environmental Health goes so far as to say that air pollution is the root cause of much of the ill health in childhood today. Young children breathe in more air than adults relative to body weight, meaning they are disproportionately affected by air pollutants compared to adults. Babies under the age of one tend to breathe 600 litres per kilo of body weight, per day. By the age of four, as we grow, it reduces to 450 litres; by age 12, it’s 300 litres; and by the age of 24 it plateaus at 200 litres per kilo per day and stays there for the rest of adulthood. When exposed to a polluted environment, children will therefore suffer the ill effects three times more acutely. Babies’ immune systems are also not fully developed and are more vulnerable to infections and almost defenceless against toxic exposure. Children are the first and worst victims of lead pollution too, because their bodies immaturity makes them most susceptible to neurological injury, leading to lower IQs, reading and learning disabilities, impaired hearing and behavioural problems including ADHD.
But it’s the effect on our cardiovascular system that is most fatal across the adult population. Yes, even more so than cancer or lung disease. Air pollution cause thinning arteries, blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. As fine nanoparticles enter the bloodstream through the walls of the lungs, they cause increased inflammation, resulting in changes in heart rate, heart rhythm and blood pressure. This is not just from chronic, long-term exposure, but also from short term.
If we actually manage to reach old age, then air pollution undermines our quality of life. In a study of the elderly in the United States, PM2.5 and NO2 exposures were significantly associated with type 2 diabetes. Associations between air pollution and serum glucose, a measure used to assess diabetes status, have been reported even with short-term NO2 and PM2.5 exposure. The same mechanisms that affect the young developing brain also set to work on diminishing brain function towards the end of life. Experimental studies have shown that air pollution cause neuro-inflammation, neuron damage and blood-brain barrier problems. …I talked to Jim Mills, MD of Air Monitors,…’Can you imagine what the political change of opinion would be if that gets proven?’ he said. ‘That all the problems we have with rising dementia in our population, which is one of the most scary things I think we face at the moment, are actually down to our use or overuse of the internal combustion engine producing these tiny particles?’
Even among elites [in Delhi], air pollution is an easier conversation to have if you can blame other people or, ideally, other countries. ‘In the boom years, say the late 1990s to around 2006-7’, says Dasgupta, [a Delhi-based author]‘young people started working in corporate jobs and earning five or ten times what their fathers had earned at the end of their careers, they had all these fancy cars, bought their parents cars, and encouraged their parents to think of consumption as a new thing…People who criticised this were treated with immense hatred…they didn’t want to be told that this engine of wealth creation was in any way morally suspect or harmful to anyone. And I think to some extent this is still the case. You have people living in totally privatised universes, you have these sealed vehicles and sealed homes…so if the air is getting worse {because of this}, it is not a very welcome conversation.
Simply planting more trees, plants and ivy are starting points for cities wanting to clear their air. But some are already thinking on a far more ambitious scale. Stefano Boeri is a Milan-based architect internationally known for his ‘vertical forest’ designs. Its an idea that has long been talked about in sustainability circles, but few have actually gone ahead and done it. Stefano has. The Bosco Verticale (vertical forest) is a pair of 27-storeyed residential towers in the Porto Nuova district of Milan. Officially opened in October 2014, the exteriors are planted with over 700 trees, 5,000 shrubs and 15,000 perennials and climbing plants; the buildings take up just 1,500 square metres of ground space, yet provide the neighbourhood with the equivalent of 20,000 square metres of forest and undergrowth. This is not just a few extra pots on balconies – the planting and irrigation have been integrated into the infrastructure and design of the building. Trees and shrubs – the largest single one was 9 metres (30ft) high, weighing 820 kg (1,800 lb) including soil, are irrigated with groundwater pulled up by a solar-powered pump system. In the hot Italian summer, heat inside the building is reduced by up to 30 [my note: it must be a typo, must be 3 degrees Centigrade] degrees Centigrade purely due to the vegetation, eliminating the need for air-conditioning, while any species of birds have nested on the trees including martins, redstarts and pale swifts.
Mexico imports 1.5 million cars from India per year. – [seemingly] every taxi or Uber is a Vento. The 1.5 million cars we import from India have a catalytic converter, because those are the standards for us to buy a car, from anywhere, and the catalytic converter has to have X, Y and Z standards. So that technology is built in India. But they don’t use it [in India], because they don’t have [the same regulatory] standard. They are also exporting petrol gasoline that doesn’t have sulphur, aluminium orlead, but they are not using it. Another economic own goal, noted by a report to the Indian Supreme Court in 2014, was that buses paid much more in road tax than cars, contributing to the boom of private taxi operators at the expense of bus companies.
The Whistle
By Benjamin Franklin
Franklin reminiscences when he was a small boy and paid too much for a whistle. He sure did learn how to strike a bargain, though.
To: Madame Brillon,
I received my dear friends two letters, one for Wednesday and one for Saturday. This is again Wednesday. I do not deserve one for today, because I have not answered the former. But, indolent as I am, and averse to writing, the fear of having no more of your pleasing epistles, if I do not contribute to the correspondence, obliges me to take up my pen; and as Mr B. has kindly sent me word that he sets out tomorrow to see you, instead of spending this Wednesday evening, as I have done its namesakes, in your delightful company, I sit down to spend it in thinking of you, in writing to you, and in reading over and over again your letters.
I am charmed with your description of Paradise, and with your plan of living their; and I approve much of your conclusion, that, in the meantime, we should draw all the good we can from this world. In my opinion, we might all draw more good from it than we do, and suffer less evil, if we would take care not to give too much for whistles. For to me it seems that most of the unhappy people we meet with are become so by neglect of that caution. You ask what I mean? You love stories, and will excuse my telling one of myself.
When I was a child of seven years old, my friends, on a holiday, filled my pocket with coppers. I went directly to a shop where they sold toys for children; and being charmed with the sound of a whistle, that I met by the way in the hands of another boy, I voluntarily offered and gave all my money for one. I then came home, and went whistling all over the house, much pleased with my whistle, but disturbing all the family. My brothers, and sisters, and cousins, understanding the bargain I had made, told me I had given four times as much for it as it was worth; put me in mind what good things I might have bought with the rest of the money; and laughed at me so much for my folly, that I cried with vexation; and the reflection gave me more chagrin than the whistle gave me pleasure.
This, however, was afterwards of use to me, the impression continuing on my mind; so that often, when I was tempted to buy some unnecessary thing, I said to myself, don’t give so much for the whistle; and I saved my money.
As I grew up, came into the world, and observed the actions of men, I thought I met with many, very many, who gave too much for the whistle. When I saw one to ambitious of court favour, sacrificing his time in attendance on levees, his repose, his liberty, his virtue, and perhaps his friends, to attain it, I have said to myself, This man gives too much for his whistle.
When I saw another fond of popularity, constantly applying himself in political bustles, neglecting his own affairs, and ruining them by that neglect, He pays, indeed, said I, too much for his whistle.
If I knew a miser, who gave up every kind of comfortable living, all the pleasures of doing good to others, all the esteem of his fellow citizens, and the joys of benevolent friendship, for the sake of accumulating wealth, poor man, said I, you pay too much for your whistle. When I met with a man of pleasure, sacrificing every laudable improvement of the mind, or of his fortune, to mere corporal sensations, and ruining his health in their pursuit, Mistaken man, said I, you are providing pain for yourself, instead of pleasure, you give too much for your whistle. If I see one fond of appearance, or fine clothes, fine houses, fine furniture, fine equipages, all above his fortune, for which he contracts debts, and ends his career in prison, Alas! Say I, he has paid dear, very dear, for his whistle.
When I see a beautiful sweet-tempered girl married to an ill-natured brute of a husband, What a pity, say I, that she should pay so much for a whistle! In short, I conceive that great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by the false estimates they have made of the value of things, and by their giving too much for their whistles.
Yet I ought to have charity for these unhappy people, when I consider that, with all this wisdom of which I am boasting, there are certain things in the world so tempting, for example, the apples of King John, which happily are not to be bought; for if they were put to sale by auction, I might very easily be led to ruin myself in the purchase. And find that I had once more given too much for the whistle. Adieu, my dear friend, and believe me ever yours very sincerely and with unalterable affection.