Author Archives : Hussain

Confronting Commercialization of Healthcare 947

Confronting Commercialization of Healthcare   Recently I came across an interesting book, “The People’s Health Sourcebook”. Section 5 of this book was of particular interest to me, I have used its title as the title of this article, I am a healthcare architect with by and large corporate clients. I am encouraged to quote extensively […]

Reflections on Architectural Design -Speed of Working: Capturing the Violence of the Idea 6

A Designer’s Mind: Reflections on Architectural Design (Speed of Working: ‘Capturing the Violence of the Idea’) Hussain Varawalla Senior Architect: HOSMAC (India) Private Limited Hospital Planners, Architects & Management Consultants M u m b a I The French designer and architect, Philippe Starck, has a reputation for working extraordinarily quickly. He claims that while travelling […]

Zen and the Art of Healthcare Facility Programming: The Qualitative v/s Quantitative Approach 65

Zen and the Art of Healthcare Facility Programming: The Qualitative v/s Quantitative Approach Hospitals can be seen as a model of the “high tech” – “high-touch” organization that evolved during the twentieth century. A notable characteristic of any hospital is the division of information and technology into sub-units (departments), which function autonomously to a greater […]

Strategic Asset Management Plan & Medical Audit 513

Their Role in Healthcare Facility Planning   The complexity and sophistication of decision-making involved in providing healthcare services in an increasingly complicated operating environment requires strategic management. Managing various and multifaceted internal activities is only one aspect of the modern healthcare executive’s responsibilities. The external environment of the service provider poses a second set of […]