Author Archives : Hussain

Healthcare Architecture: How to Attract the Best Talent 3

Healthcare Architecture: How to Attract the Best Talent   Healthcare facility design poses some interesting problems for the healthcare facility designer. Unfortunately, these “interesting” problems are not of much interest to architects in general, who look upon the field as somewhat technical and dry.   Thus it is difficult to attract bright young architects to visit this […]

Programming-The Third Dimension 4

PREFACE A facility program makes explicit the goals, facts, concepts, and facility needs of a building in a way that is useful for making design decisions. Facility programming provides essential information to the client and designer about the building requirements necessary to support required functions. As such, it is an important step in the facility […]

“Can Hospitals be Architecture?” 7

Can Hospitals be Architecture? The Image of a Hospital      The question ‘can hospitals be architecture?’ has often been posed. One approach to the answer could be to ask how ‘architecture’ is defined. Merriam-Webster offers:the art or science of building; specif : the art or practice of designing and building structures and esp. habitable […]

Florence Nightingale: What Lessons Would She Teach us Today? 1

Florence Nightingale: What Lessons Would She Teach us Today? Florence Nightingale was born into a two-class society characterized by the pauper and the aristocrat. The latter believed it was his God-given right to rule and be served by all the others. The Nightingale family, however, was different. It saw itself as having a philanthropic duty […]

Vertically Integrated Healthcare Facility Design Consulting Services 78

Vertically Integrated Healthcare Facility Design Consulting Services: In What Ways is the Architecture Impacted?   On the occasion of the EPIC-2003, a national seminar on Excellence through Planning and Integration of Care, being held by the Department of Hospital Administration, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra it seems appropriate to ask a question that any […]

Technology-The Future Role of Architects 77

Technology: The Future Role of Architects in Healthcare Delivery Systems Design Architecture, as a service to human societies, could be defined as the provision of fit environments for human activities. The word “fit” may be defined in the most generous terms imaginable, but it still does not necessarily imply the erection of buildings. Environments may […]

Launching and Sustaining a Healthcare Design Revolution in India 2

Launching and Sustaining a Healthcare Design Revolution in India Can the dream become a reality?   Former Prime Minister I. K. Gujral, while addressing the 1998 Science Congress at Hyderabad, made the following remark. ‘I see before me the bottled water kept for dignitaries on the dais. It reminds me of three classes of Indians: […]

Healthcare Architecture-The Design of Cardiac Facilities 142

Healthcare Architecture:  The Design of Cardiac Facilities The central horseshoe shape in the gamma camera scan at the left is the muscle of the left ventricle of the heart. The left ventricle is the largest chamber of the heart, with the thickest muscular wall. When it contracts, it pumps blood to the rest of the body […]

The Design Process – Interactive Design 63

The Healthcare Facility Design Process: Is Interactive Design the Way Forward?   Towards the end of the 1990’s, at a health facilities design jury in the USA, over 250 entries were reviewed, and only one project received a design award! We healthcare designers need to hang our heads in shame. Increasingly we find clients asking […]